Environmental protection


Management philosophy

Sing Pen Taiwan upholds the management philosophy of Innovation, Application, and Service to serve our clients, shareholders, and employees in a bid to achieve a win-win situation. Moreover, the Company's internal management offers a guideline for our employees to stay proactive and positive in R&D and innovation, thereby achieving corporate sustainability.

Goals and policies

Quality policy 『Customer satisfaction, Quality priority and focusing industrial skills.』

Hazardous substance control policy

【Hazardous substance management philosophy】
Sing Pen Taiwan is aware that environmental protection is one of the most important challenges of mankind, therefore we take hazardous substance management into consideration during production activity, raw material procurement, and usage.

【Hazardous substance management guideline】

  • Establishing a comprehensive hazardous substance management organization and increasing demands in hazardous substance management.
  • Complying with relevant regulations and clients' requests, managing processes such as design, raw material procurement, production, and delivery pertaining to the products' raw materials, components, accessories, and sub-materials, thereby ensuring that they do not contain hazardous substances stated by the clients.
  • Complying with clients' demands in hazardous substances by implementing hazardous substance management procedures in the design, procurement, material inventory, production process, and product inventory procedures.
  • The hazardous substance control procedures are verified through an internal audit to determine if they are implemented and improved adequately.
  • We are dedicated to improving our employees' awareness of hazardous substance requirements so that they can support and participate in hazardous substance control-related activities.

Environmental health and safety policy

With industrialization, people are generating an increasing amount of wastes that in turn deteriorate the quality of the living environment; therefore, the Earth is bound to be inundated with pollution and darkness in the foreseeable future as a result of civilization and advances in technology. Furthermore, since the Entire operates in an industry with environmental risks, we have proactively bolstered environmental health and safety management to protect the environment. In pursuing corporate sustainability, protecting the Earth, and benefiting our future generations, we have made the following commitments:
【Implementing environmental health, safety, and protection to prevent pollution】
【Implementing health and safety management work to prevent occupational disaster and disease】
【Complying with environmental health and safety-related regulations and obligations】
【Continuing to improve the work process to enhance environmental health and safety performance】

Human rights policy

In fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities, the firm rigorously abides by labor regulations to protect the rights of our employees and ensure human rights protection. Entire treats all colleagues with respect and dignity. Implementing guideline:
【Complying with relevant regulations to provide a safe and healthy workplace】
【Committed to maintain a workplace has no violence, harassment, threat, and bully】
【No hiring of child labor】
【Forced labor is strictly prohibited】
【Eradicating unlawful discrimination, equal opportunity in hiring and promotion】
【Employees' freedom of assembly】